SFMS Parent & Family Center and Family Engagement


The Parent and Family Center is located in room G101 next to the Auditorium. Ms. Trina Morford, our Family Engagement Liaison works with parents and families through our FAMILY E3 (Educate, Engage & Empower) framework. Keep a lookout for what’s happening in the weekly Sunday email.  You can reach Ms. Morford can be reached at Trina.Morford@springbranchisd.com and 713-251-4659




See a list of some things that are happening in the Parent Center:

Ongoing Parent Workshops (that support your student): 

Organize a group of friends or come on your own (make an appointment with Ms. Morford)

  • “Navigating Skyward and Canvas like a Pro” – 30 – 45 minutes
  • “Get your child organized with Google Calendar” - 30 minutes plus a follow up
  • “Using the Family School Compact as a Power Tool”  - 30 minutes
  • “Why Middle School Matters. How to help your student ‘course correct’ when they steer off course” – 45 minutes
  • New this year! “Fireproofing: Doing the family prep work so you are not constantly putting out fires with your middle school student” – 45 minutes plus a follow up

Series Workshops:

  • “High School Ready” is a series of workshops that prepare parents to navigate high school.
    1. Workshops are held once a month (or every other month)
    2. One or two workshops on that day: held twice a day for flexibility in your schedule
    3. Speakers are experts in their field
    4. Workshops may be in person or on Zoom
    5. Topics addressed: Naviance, four-year planning, advanced academic credits, high school endorsements, taking notes/studying for finals, CTE (Career/Technical Education), high school principal insights and advice, Booster clubs, Prom, Project Prom and so much more.

Parent Advisory Committee:

Email Ms. Morford if you are interested in participating: Trina.Morford@springbranchisd.com

Parents providing input on specific and relevant topics/issues on campus.

  • Scheduled meetings once every nine weeks – one hour commitment
  • Will update the Family School Compact  and Family Engagement Policy (annually)
  • Other relevant topics

Register here: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/e/2PACX-1vQYOn0h4RrtiFLfbXshDDxOlaKicPGXgvbCLWVchj4GGGnV_T15ZwwNb_SaS39qb9LWmarDiomTVryT/pub?start=false&loop=false&delayms=3000